
#4431 / Para-Mac™ Remove Gastrointestinal Parasites Para-Mac is an effectively blended parasiticide designed to help the body remove gastrointestinal parasites and their toxic byproducts. *Treatment of gastrointestinal large and small parasite that maintain a presence in the gastrointestinal system *Herbal blend of natural anti parasitic ingredients to alter the bio terrain to disrupt their symbiotic relationship *Phytonutrients to support the body during an antiparasitic protocol *Usnic acids to suppress microorganisms in an anaerobic environment *Natural ingredients to stimulate the body’s own hydrochloric acid 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

Has helped thousands end bleeding gums tighten gums and teeth reduce gum pockets relieve denture pain and improve their oral health!

#3471 / Permilung™ Respiration / Gas Exchange Permilung helps the proper respiratory functions of trachea, bronchi, and lungs, promoting optimal gas exchange while helping the body inhale and exhale normally. *Herbs which are antitussive to ease both chronic and long-term coughing *Expectorant ingredients that can thin mucus secretions *Natural mucilage forming ingredients to soothe the respiratory tract *Anxiolytic herbs that help to sedate and facilitate sleep *Glycosides anti-inflammatories and antimicrobial cofactors *Diuretic ingredients to help flush out fluids *Immune boosting agents 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#3471 / Permilung™ Respiration / Gas Exchange Permilung helps the proper respiratory functions of trachea, bronchi, and lungs, promoting optimal gas exchange while helping the body inhale and exhale normally. *Herbs which are antitussive to ease both chronic and long-term coughing *Expectorant ingredients that can thin mucus secretions *Natural mucilage forming ingredients to soothe the respiratory tract *Anxiolytic herbs that help to sedate and facilitate sleep *Glycosides anti-inflammatories and antimicrobial cofactors *Diuretic ingredients to help flush out fluids *Immune boosting agents 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#2692 / PhilOxy™ Vitalize + Oxygenate Philoxy supports saturation of cellular level oxygen for the body’s function and strength. *Saturation of cellular level oxygen *Increases utilized oxygen *Strengthen the body’s oxygen binding processes *Positive impact in aerobic capacity (V02 max) *Free radical oxygen scavengers *Supports hemoglobin needed by organs 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#2692 / PhilOxy™ Vitalize + Oxygenate Philoxy supports saturation of cellular level oxygen for the body’s function and strength. *Saturation of cellular level oxygen *Increases utilized oxygen *Strengthen the body’s oxygen binding processes *Positive impact in aerobic capacity (V02 max) *Free radical oxygen scavengers *Supports hemoglobin needed by organs 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#6638 / Phosforyl™ Cellular Signals Phosforyl aids in the vital cellular process of phosphorylation by providing fundamental proteins and compounds needed in cellular pathways. *Supports enzymatic reactions *Provides phosphate donors from amino acids by activating key enzymes needed in cellular respiration and expression that are normally phosphorylated *Activates key enzymes needed in the phosphorylation process *Balances signals to activate and deactivate proteins *Helps to maintain healthy cellular signals within the enzymes involved in gene translation *Helps the body to properly articulate cellular apoptosis 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#4439 / Phung-Ex™ Remove Spore Organism Phung-EX helps the body rid itself of harmful mold, yeast and fungus, and eliminates unfriendly microorganisms in the digestive tract. *Potent medicinal botanics that counter fungal infections *Natural anti-fungal solution that can inhibit certain enzymes of yeast in order to prevent spreading and growth *Active ingredients such as lapachol, juglone and naphthoquinones which influence the cellular membranes of spore-producing organisms inhibiting the electron transport system of fungal infections *L-lysine enhances the anti-fungal effects of other co factors in treating Candida Caution: Possible allergen warning, contains walnut hull Combine with: #4589 Tox-Ex or #4466 Purmycotox to screen die-off 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily

#4439 / Phung-Ex™ Remove Spore Organism Phung-EX helps the body rid itself of harmful mold, yeast and fungus, and eliminates unfriendly microorganisms in the digestive tract. *Potent medicinal botanics that counter fungal infections *Natural anti-fungal solution that can inhibit certain enzymes of yeast in order to prevent spreading and growth *Active ingredients such as lapachol, juglone and naphthoquinones which influence the cellular membranes of spore-producing organisms inhibiting the electron transport system of fungal infections *L-lysine enhances the anti-fungal effects of other co factors in treating Candida Caution: Possible allergen warning, contains walnut hull Combine with: #4589 Tox-Ex or #4466 Purmycotox to screen die-off 60 Count Capsules / 1 oz. Liquid Extract Capsule Directions: one or two capsules up to twice a day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Liquid Extract Directions: 5-6 drops orally 3 to 4 times daily